Arduino Uno: Part 3 The IDE

Arduinos run off of very a specific program made directly for this hardware. It includes a little bit of C and C++. This software environment that you program in is available for free at Currently they are at version 1.0.5; however, if you use a newer Arduino compatible board (Arduino Yun, or Due, etc.) you may need to use a 1.5 beta (versions may vary). The computer software is coded in Java and is open source. You can compile code and upload it to your microcontroller inside the IDE. You can access libraries and example code that Arduino has released. There is also a serial monitor where you can see the input from sensors actively. You choose the board you are using to upload the code correctly, but the default is the Uno. Another key element is the port you choose to use. You cannot upload to a board unless you choose the right USB that the computer is sending the data to. The ports can be seen in the Tool tab inside the IDE. A more in depth analysis of the code itself will be explained at a later date.


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